
A courtroom scene with a lawyer defending a client against federal tax crime charges in Arizona

Hiring a Criminal Defense Attorney for Federal Tax Crimes in Arizona: Expert Legal Protection for IRS Investigations

Facing federal tax charges can be a frightening and confusing experience for Arizona residents. The IRS Criminal Investigation Division takes tax crimes very seriously, with potential consequences including substantial fines and imprisonment. When you find yourself under investigation or charged with tax fraud, evasion, or other federal tax crimes, working with an experienced criminal tax defense attorney is crucial.

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juvenile crime

Has Your Child Been Charged With a Crime? What You Should Know Before Hiring A Criminal Lawyer in Arizona

There is nothing that is more of a punch to the stomach than hearing that your child is in trouble with the law. Teenagers can be easily influenced by peer pressure, and a child that has good behavior can easily get caught in the wrong place at the wrong time. Going about your day and suddenly getting a call from the police station can quickly and suddenly stop you in your tracks.

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Expunging Your Marijuana Conviction in Arizona: Everything You Need to Know

Proposition 207 has opened the door for the expungement of thousands of low-level marijuana convictions in the State of Arizona. For many, this means a clean record and restoration of civil rights, such as voting and legally owning firearms.

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credit card fraud

Credit Card Fraud in Arizona: What You Need to Know

How to protect yourself from the negative outcomes of credit card fraud. Arizona reported over 50,000 frauds in 2019 according to a Federal Trade Commission Report. It ranked 6th in overall fraud reports (based on number of reports per 100,000 residents). But fraud is more than lying for gain: it’s also now tied inextricably to identity theft. Credit card fraud makes up the lion’s share of identity theft throughout the United States.

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domestic violence

What Constitutes Domestic Violence In Arizona?

Over the years, domestic violence has been a term coined in vagueness. If you haven't experienced it first hand or known someone that has, the term may sound alien to you, chalked up to a term left for the Arizona police forces. But domestic violence can sadly happen to anyone, and studies show that the warning signs are often there. When it comes to domestic violence, no matter what state you live in, and no matter the circumstance, each struggle is different and requires specialized care.

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arizona recreational marijuana

Legalization of Marijuana in Arizona

Up until the November 2020 election, Arizona was one of a handful of states that made possession of marijuana a felony conviction. Felony convictions are serious and can lead to at least a year in jail, as well as a criminal record that limits your ability to apply for community benefits such as food stamps or Pell grants for college tuition.

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id theft

What is Identity Theft in Arizona?

In today's world, everyday people's security becomes more at risk. We're not talking about security in a physical sense but rather in terms of one's identity. To be more specific we're talking about identity theft.

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What is a Deadly Weapon?

In Arizona, there are certain crimes that include the element of the use of a deadly weapon or dangerous instrument. These terms are defined in Arizona Statute under A.R.S. 13-105. “Deadly weapon” is defined as anything designed for lethal use, including a firearm. A “dangerous instrument” is defined as anything that under the circumstances in which it is used, attempted to be used or threatened to be used is readily capable of causing death or serious physical injury.

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