
A car pulled over on the side of the road, with flashing police lights and an officer conducting a field sobriety test

What happens when you get your first DUI in Arizona? Legal consequences and next steps

Getting a DUI in Arizona can be a scary experience. You might feel worried about what will happen next. A first-time DUI in Arizona is a serious matter with real consequences. If you're charged with a first DUI in Arizona, you could face jail time, fines, license suspension, and other penalties.

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dui breathalyzer

The Strategies DUI Lawyers Use To Challenge Breath Test Evidence That May Lead To A Dismissal

When you are suspected of driving under the influence, your breathalyzer test results have a considerable impact on the outcome of your case. If your blood alcohol content (BAC) is above the legal limit for the charge you face, prosecutors hold a powerful piece of evidence to use against you to obtain the conviction they are seeking.

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criminal defense lawyers

What are the Differences Between Standard DUI, Extreme DUI, and Aggravated DUI in Arizona?

Driving under the influence is a hot topic in the legal field—many people who are charged with this offense are seeking out legal representation to help them better understand the charges against them as well as the options that they have from this point moving forward. In the state of Arizona, a standard DUI charge is a misdemeanor, but it can quickly escalate to a felony charge of extreme or aggravated DUI, depending on the circumstances present at the time of the traffic stop.

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criminal defense lawyers

What You Should Know Before Hiring a DUI Lawyer in Tempe, Arizona

Being charged with DUI in any state is no picnic, but it’s particularly problematic in Arizona. The state has some of the toughest DUI laws on the books, as well as one of the lowest blood alcohol content (BAC) limits, and some of the strictest fees. For those who face a charge of DUI, hiring a DUI lawyer in Arizona is a critical decision, but there are things to know before hiring one.

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dui cant afford it

Arizona DUI: What Does “Impaired To the Slightest Degree” Mean?

Being charged with a DUI can be devastating and have long-lasting consequences both personally and professionally. The severity of these crimes and their resulting penalties are entirely dependent on the surrounding circumstances and details that occur when you are stopped by law enforcement.

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dui emergency

Multiple DUI Offenses in Arizona? 2nd and 3rd DUI. What You Need To Know.

When it comes to Driving Under the Influence charges and convictions, Arizona’s no-nonsense laws are some of the toughest in the United States. Whether it’s a DUI or DWI for driving while intoxicated due to alcohol or drugs, the law is strict with little-to-no wiggle room.

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driving on a suspended license

Suspended License DUI in Arizona: What You Need To Know

If you are caught driving with drugs in your system, refuse a chemical test, or have a Blood Alcohol Content of .08 or greater, you can be charged with a DUI in Arizona. The following are answers to questions you may have regarding legal implications and what comes next after being charged with DUI and having your license suspended.

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DUI Breath Test

Extreme DUI and High BAC: Causes, Prevention, Consequences, DUI Laws & Defense

Drinking too much alcohol can lead to legal problems, health issues, and financial difficulties. If you drink excessively and then drive with a high BAC, you could be arrested for an Extreme DUI in Arizona. Additionally, excessive alcohol use causes approximately 95,000 deaths in the United States each year, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

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Drunk Driving

Myths v. Facts about DUI, BAC, Alcohol, and Drugs in Arizona

Most people know that it's illegal to drink and drive, that underage drinking is illegal, and drugs and drug trafficking is against the law. While you may have a basic understanding of these concepts, many myths are floating around about DUI, BAC, Alcohol, and Drugs in Arizona and the rest of the United States.

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dui checkpoint

Are DUI Checkpoints Legal in Arizona?

The Supreme Court of the United States has ruled that DUI checkpoints stops are constitutional. However, some states, such as Wisconsin and Iowa, have passed laws specifically forbidding them. In other states, like Washington, Oregon, and Michigan, DUI checkpoints are not permitted because they violate the state's constitution. So are DUI checkpoints legal in Arizona?

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Underage Drinking & DUI Guide

Sorry to disappoint, but this is not a guide on how to legally drink underage. Instead, this article will give you a large-scale look at Arizona’s underage drinking laws. These laws are harsh and when enforced against a young person, the penalties can have a lasting impact. The penalties can include a conviction that may impact the ability to secure a job or be admitted into college or graduate programs. Therefore, it is important to understand how Arizona’s underage drinking laws work.

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Drug-Related DUI In Arizona

Arizona has severe driving under the influence (DUI) laws. While a traditional DUI case occurs when someone is driving with a blood alcohol content level of 0.08 or more; Arizona also charges people with DUIs if they are suspected of being under the influence of drugs.

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